
Allwin Medical

Ureteral Catheters
(Angled Open Tip)

The allFlex Ureteral Catheter (Angled Open Tip) is used for drainage of urine from the ureter and it also allows the delivery of contrast media.

  • Radiopaque material with centimeter marking
  • Supplied with the ureteral catheter adapter
  • Angled open tip & angled closed tip are supplied with stylet
  • The open tip allows placement over a stylet for negotiating a tortuous ureter
  • Angle Tip allows manipulation during insertion


Order No. Fr Length
Qty. / Box
UC-AO3 3 70 10
UC-AO4 4 70 10
UC-AO5 5 70 10
UC-AO6 6 70 10
UC-AO7 7 70 10

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